Team Finder
Lea Vellenoweth

Our 4th teammate is injured and we need to fill his spot to be-able to be a competitive ranked team. HELP! We are a team who race and train together. We pride ourselves on our positive energy - even when we are suffering. Our goal is to complete the full course - taking this race on head-on and being consistently strong! Also got a great support crew who won't be letting any loitering happen in transition.
Listing Details
Pure team looking for: Team Mate
Place: Opotiki / Whakatane
GZ before:
Last updated: March 1, 2021 7:58 pm
Lea - I've done two GZ's and other exp races. Steve - done heaps of GZ / Exp. Sarah - new to GZ but a strong ARer.
Get in touch with Lea Vellenoweth