Team Finder
Patrick Fontein

My main strength is my running, having done quite a few Ultras in the last 5 years, including the 2019 Tarawera Miler, where I finished in 26th / 120 in just over 26 hrs. I did the Coast to Coast Longest Day this year in 15 hrs 13min, and have entered the Longest Day again in 2021, targeting 14-15hrs.
My biking is pretty good and have done quite a lot of mountain biking.
My kayaking is improving and am spending quite a lot of time training and building strength on my Surf Ski in the Auckland Harbour.
My motivation on entering Godzone will be to compete well, enjoy the Event and finish. I think I’m pretty tough, can go for long hours and can hang in there when the going gets hard. I have never had a DNF in any events. I will not quit. At the same time I think getting “some” sleep in Godzone at the expense of finishing a few hours later, will be just fine
I’m quite relaxed on whether I enter the Pure or the Prime events.
Doing the Team Navigation, I would be ok with. I have an Engineering background, am good at Surveying, using compasses and generally finding my way around places. Happy to do any further Navigation training as is suitable over the next 8 months.
Listing Details
Individual looking for: Join exisiting team
Place: Auckland
GZ before: Never
Last updated: June 17, 2020 7:46 am
Keen to join team, ideally Auckland based. I'm pretty fit and tough, can go long and hard. Want to enjoy event & finish well
Get in touch with Patrick Fontein