Team Finder
Dan Major

Hi, We are a GZ Pure team that has just had a team member who has had to pull out last minute unfortunately. We are looking for someone to take their space in our team.
We are all fit and ready to go, well as ready as possible for something like GZ. Our goals as a team are to go out there and push ourselves, finish the full course and have a heap of fun along the way.
We have everything sorted accomodation/ support crew/ packrafts. If you are keen then please get in contact asap.
I live In Christchurch and the other two team members are in Tauranga
Listing Details
Pure team looking for: Team Mate
Place: Christchurch / tauranga
GZ before: 2017,2018
Last updated: February 14, 2021 9:34 am
Hi, we are a Pure team that needs another team member ASAP. Team goal is to finish the full course and have fun along the way
Get in touch with Dan Major