Team Finder
kate moore

Kate Moore 31 years old. Love the outdoors, motivated and work well in a team. always willing to give anything a go. keen to join a team for Godzone as its something I have wanted to do for awhile. I am Currently training for Taupo run series, and biking and swimming in between. Background of what I have done over last few years. Competed in Iron man 2019 10.50hr and was 8th in age group. have done 70.3 in 2018 and was 4th in agegroup. trained with sweat7 in taupo. Have always been into running, with a few off road marathons under belt placing 2nd in both T42 & double rainbow. love mountain biking and have competed in Giant enduro events placing top 3 in four stage enduro. Haven't done much paddling but keen to get out there. road bike have done around Taupo in under 5 hours. swim across the lake Taupo 2019 etc and smaller adventure races around whakatane area taking 1st in a 2person team a few years back. If any other questions you can give me a call 0273356349 or email
Listing Details
Pure team looking for: Join exisiting team
Place: Whakatane
GZ before: Never
Last updated: June 11, 2020 9:59 pm
Hi Kate Moore from Whakatane! looking to join a team.
Get in touch with kate moore