Team Finder
Penzy Dinsdale

Sexy navigating adventure racing bachelorette. Looking for three good keen men. Aiming to make my own version of the bachelorette as we train together and get to know each other between now and the race. After a successful race, I'll choose who I want to keep dating. Be warned though, this is not a competition, teamwork is probably the most important characteristic you can display to gain my favour.
I raced in 2018, 2019 (winning the juniors) and 2022. I'm keen enthusiastic, a skilled navigator and trekking is my strong suit. I keep active and adventurous with a wide range of exciting hobbies, currently full-time hobbies and minimal time work.
Listing Details
Pure team looking for: Team Mate, Someone to train with, Someone in my area, Create new team, Join exisiting team
Place: wanaka, NZ
GZ before: 2018
Last updated: June 2, 2022 9:50 am
Looking for three good looking adventurous single men, keen for a pure race and a date.
Get in touch with Penzy Dinsdale