Latest News
Monday 7th March 2022
After the brutality of trekking and pack rafting over 155km of large scale mountainous terrain for the past three days – the 90km bike ride from TA3 in Glenorchy to TA4 at Pretty Hill near Mavora Lakes is a relief for many teams today.
“The teams are loving this spectacular ride that takes them through private high country stations the Greenstone and Mt Nicholas which the general public do not have access to,” says Race Director Adam Fairmaid.

“Given where they have been and where they are going next over the Eyre Mountains its a super scenic section that is still 90km long and a good workout for the legs.”
The western side of Lake Wakatipu is relatively untouched by any development unlike its Queenstown counterpart on the other side of the lake.
” There are no shops to stop at along the way and the teams have been filling up on warm food and comfort with their support crews at TA3 before tackling these next two stages,” says Fairmaid.
All the Pursuit teams are now through TA3 while there are a fair few Pure teams still to make it down to the Dart River and paddle out this evening.
“Certainly its been another long day at GODZone but these teams are well aware of what’s to come and are digging in true adventure racing style.”
Any remaining Pure teams who have not arrived at TA3 by 8pm tonight will now be short coursed.
“We have put in place an additional short course at TA3 where teams will be stood down for a 24 hour period and transported by their support crews around to TA5 where they will continue on fully ranked. They will miss out the Stage 4: 90km Mountain Bike Greenstone Von and Stage 5: 56km Eyre Mountain trek,” says Fairmaid.
“This new short course has been instigated due to the length of time it’s taken these teams to complete Stage 3 and allows them to continue racing with the aim of making it across the finish line in Brighton before the Chapter 10 course closes on Saturday. All further course cut-offs are still in play.”
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Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/godzonepure
For general information and to follow the teams on GPS tracking, go to: https://godzoneadventure.com/
For more information, interview & imagery requests, contact:
Margo Berryman
GODZone Media Manager
P: +64 21 246 3342
E: margo@qt.co.nz